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Welcome to VFW Post 454

Welcome to the John H. Kraus Post in Bloomington, Illinois. We have a proud history of servicemen & women that have helped build and maintain this post and we remain active in and around our community. Our post is home to and a participant in many regular activities in the city of Bloomington and the surrounding area. With this website, we aim to provide a greater service to the community by providing information and local news for your benefit.
Everyone Is Invited To Our Events
Be Our Guest
Come Meet The Veterans
Who Support Our Community
See How Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 454 Supports Veterans, Their Families and Our Community




Do You Know About "Real ID"?
What Is It?
Extended until October 1st, 2021, due to the COVID-19 Pandemic.  You will need a "Real ID License" to fly on domestic aircraft within the United States.
 If you haven't heard then please click the link below.
 VFW Dart Tournament
Friday & Saturday Nights!
Sign-Up at 7:00 pm
Tournament Starts at 8:00 pm
Blind Draw
$10 per person entry fee
VFW puts in $10 per person  --  NO LIMIT!
 Bloomington VA Outpatient Clinic
207 Hamilton Road
Bloomington, IL
     Map Information  Mapquest   Google
Entertainment Schedule
(Dependent On COVID-19 Restrictions)
Everyone Is Invited To Be Our Guest
Big On Blondes
Blue Hares
Captain Ron Band
Double Shot Duo
The Flatland Band  
Hillbilly High Rise Band
Lisa G and the Good Reasons Band
Luke & The Drifters
Old Smoke
Retrofit Band
Trio Grande Band
Velvet Groove Band



Thank A Veteran!
As We Remember
Our Fallen
Purchase Or Redeem Lottery Tickets
Lucky Day Lotto
Power Ball
Scratch Offs

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